Summer 2024 Classes
Classes run from June 8, 2024 - August 8, 2024
Note that there are no classes from Saturday, June 28 - Friday, July 5 for our mid-summer break.
Registration Fee
$15 per new family
Registration fees ware waived for current families.
Tuition is broken into three equal payments, paid on the first of each month of the session, regardless of how many class days are in each month.
LA = Lauren Adams-Plehal
MS = Margaret Schmitz
JR = Julia Ross
CO = Chrystal O'Hanlon
LR = Lillian Ross
BT = Bernadette Thelen
CM = Catherine Murray
Family Discount
Dancer taking the most hours pays full tuition; additional family members each get a 20% discount. Note: Family discounts do not apply to private lessons, performance classes or competition classes.
Note: You will find prerequisites and a complete description for each class in the registration module. Click the "Register Here" button above.
Adult Classes
Adult Beginners
Learn the basics of softshoe Irish dancing! Dancers will learn proper foot placement and posture, and will learn basic movements including hop 1-2-3s, change 2-3s, sevens, and will learn and master their Bunghrád (Level 1) Reel.
Thursdays 11:00am-11:45am CO
Adult Intermediate I
Intermediate I dancers will continue learning their Bunghrád (Level 1) dances, including the Slip Jig, Single Jig, and Light Jig. Dancers will learn the basics of hardshoe dancing including stamps, rallies, and will learn a few basic treble reel steps.
Wednesdays 5:30pm-6:30pm CO
Thursdays 10:00am-11:00am CO
Adult Advanced
Advanced dancers will learn their Meanghrád (Level 3) dances, including the Reel, Slip Jig, Single Jig, Heavy Jig, and Hornpipe, as well as multiple traditional set dances. Dancers will learn new skills in softshoe and hardshoe including new leaps and jumps, drums, and more. Dancers in this class may learn Árdghrád (Level 4) and Craobhghrád (Level 5) dances if applicable.
Saturdays 11:00am-12:00am LA
Adult Céilí
Fun-filled class learning Irish céilí (group) dances.
Wednesdays 6:30pm-7:15pm CO & MS
Adult Advanced Beginners
Advanced Beginners will continue learning their Bunghrád (Level 1) dances, including the Slip Jig, Single Jig, and Light Jig. Dancers will learn the basics of hardshoe dancing including stamps, rallies, and will learn a few basic treble reel steps.
Saturdays 12:00pm-12:45pm LA
Adult Intermediate I
Intermediate II dancers will learn their Ullmhúchán (Level 2) dances, including the Reel, Slip Jig, Single Jig, Heavy Jig, and Hornpipe, and the St. Patrick’s Day traditional set dance. Dancers will learn new skills in softshoe and hardshoe including leaps, chops, and more.
Wednesdays 7:15pm-8:15pm MS & CO
Adult Yoga
Improve your strength, balance and breathing with our certified instructor.
Wednesday class: $42/month, Thursday class: $58
Wednesdays 8:15pm-9:00pm CM
Thursdays 9:00am-10:00am CM
Adult Classes Extra Practice
Open to adult dancers in Adult Advanced Beginners and up. An extra hour to work on dances (to practice dances, not learn new ones). $20/month
Saturdays 12:45pm-1:45pm LA & MS